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Apple Pie 2.0

Apple Pie 2.0



VARIETIES: Egremont Russett, Scotch Bridget, White Melrose, Coul Blush
FARMER: Rodger Family @ Knockraich Farm
LOCATION: Fintry, Scotland
TIME OF THE YEAR: late August - mid November


Imminent Release: November 2024

She’s back, baby!
What started life in our little X_Series last year has now been given a new lease of life. And no, our X_Series is nothing like the X-Files (yeah, we’ve got PTSD from it too) - it’s our series dedicated to soda experimentation, exclusivity, innovation and above all, dedication to producing only the best from the best. It’s where we trial new fruits and new techniques, always with a firm focus on fresh, honest flavour and the future of pure soda.
When the weather outside is frightful, we like to welcome back Apple Pie Soda. She's back, she's brighter and we've made far more than last year.



Many of you were asking for a new winter recipe, something cosy to warm you up during the colder months. Move over, knitted jumper that’s a wee bit on the tight side because your Gran knitted it for you when you were 12. Ideally something that doesn’t have you automatically reaching for a bottle of plonk when guests come over although being seen in that jumper might just do it. You asked us, and we listened. And we’re extremely proud to remedy those kinda depressing dark months with a soda that’ll warm your cockles.

A bit of background - way back at Rapscallion’s early beginnings, we launched something called Cosmic Elf - our daring attempt at a non-alc mulled wine. Think of it as a spiced Cosmo meeting red wine under the mistletoe. It was ambitious. Turns out, sourcing premium Bulgarian cranberries during winter wasn’t quite as sustainable as we’d first hoped. Rapscallion also started life as a drinks specialist, throwing private parties and developing recipes for some well-known UK alcohol brands. One of our most popular serves was a Hot Spiced Apple juice served in a mug, and it always went down a treat.

So, to bring us to the point of the Rapscallion history lesson, do you know what is abundant here in the UK at this time of year and in to the chilly months? You guessed it - apples. Glorious, tart, juicy apples of all sorts of varieties. And so, with a sprinkle of nostalgia and a dash of innovation, we set out to craft a new winter drink - a decision cemented by our Head of Production, Aaron, who met a wonderful family in Fintry, Scotland who grow some incredible, gob-smackingly delicious apples nearby (45 mins from our innovation facility). That’s when our team got to work on scaling a recipe that’s traditionally hot into something refined, cold and carbonated. We put our thing down, flipped it and reversed it.



Every can of Apple Pie Soda is crafted with love and juice from a blend of incredible apple varieties, handpicked from the Rodger family’s orchard. From the very first taste of their juice, we knew it was a match for what we wanted to create - rich, thick but balanced with a crisp bite.

Susan and Ian changed up their blend this year to include some exciting varieties we hadn’t even heard of before:

White Melrose (More info below)
Grenadier (a traditional culinary apple dating back to 1862)
Bloody Poughman (another old Scottish variety, from 1883)
Spartan // Dessert Apple
Egremont Russet // Dessert Apple

White Melrose was originally planted by French Monks at Melrose Abbey, and first recorded in 1831. It is a Scottish heritage variety. The pale colour of the apples makes them stand out clearly against the dark green tree foliage. A “mother” tree still stands at Melrose Abbey today. It has a sweet, sharp flavour and was widely grown in the Borders and Tweed Valley in the 19th century.
The Grenadier variety was first recorded in Kent in 1860. An early ‘cooking apple’, it is known for it’s yellowish green skin and bright flavour. ‘Bloody Ploughman’ is known for it’s dark sanguine colour and crisp, juicy juice perfect for cider making. Spartan, again known for it’s red colour but mellow taste, almost reminiscent of melon or strawberry! Egremont Russet is an old dessert apple variety, first recorded in Somerset in 1872. It has a characteristic nutty flavour.

Each apple and each of their histories brings its own personality to the mix, creating a rich, juicy base that perfectly complements our signature spice blend. But this isn’t your average, sugary apple soda. We’ve dialled back the sweetness and cranked up the raw flavour for a more natural, nuanced sip.

Ian and Susan Rodger are apple-growing legends and we’ll shout loud and proud about that - their orchard really is something special. They were the perfect match to meet our raw flavour straight from the fruit ethos, and compliment our evangelical approach with all we create and produce. Susan sums it up perfectly:
“The orchard was planted in 2011, with a focus on Scottish heritage apples. We grow around 35 varieties, and none of our trees are sprayed with pesticides, herbicides, or hormones. The apples are simply allowed to do their own thing.”

In other words: these apples are the real deal. No fakery, no funny business, no chemicals - just pure, raw, unadulterated apple-y goodness.



Aaron’s goal with Apple Pie Soda was to keep it tasting fresh and juicy, without a sticky, overly sweet aftertaste. Easier said than done when you’re working with high juice content and carbonation (let’s just say the bubbles try their dang hardest to escape when you’re canning).
But there’s a reason he’s our “King ‘o The Juice” and of course he nailed it. Apple Pie Soda starts out delicately, with the flavours building on your palate as you drink. Around your fourth sip - or gulp, glug or chin we don’t judge - you’ll start to notice the natural tannins and spices warming you up.

This isn’t your typical fizzy drink. It’s got layers, it’s got depth, and it’s made to be savoured. We designed it to stand proudly apart from the overly sweet, artificially flavoured drinks dominating the shelves. With our Apple Pie Soda, you get something that actually tastes like apples. Who’d have thunk it.

Like Rapscallion Soda, the Rodger Family at Knockraich Farm believe that the best flavours come straight from nature. Their apples, picked at the peak of ripeness, require no artificial enhancement – just like the sodas they help create. Our soda is a nod to them for staying true to their roots, and true to how fruit and produce should be treated. We’ve in turn treated the fruit with respect, and only adapted it in the most complimentary of ways.



She started out as an idea and a cry for something different. She’s been born from our love of raw flavour paired with innovation and adaptation and of course never ever settling for second-best. She’s raw, she’s spicy, and she’s just what the Doctor ordered on a chilly day. Gone to work in the dark and home in the dark? Apple Pie Soda’s got you. Burnt your mouth on that scalding hot chocolate from the Christmas market stalls? Apple Pie Soda can help. Or, just sip on one by the fire whilst watching the Strictly final.

Now, all that’s left to do is order them once they’re live in November, pop them in the fridge, crack one open, and treat yo’self. You’ve earned it.

We Love A Laugh

But we never muck about when it comes to sourcing the best produce and creating the purest flavour.


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